God Our Father, Christ Our Brother

1.   God of glory, God of power, Mighty and Eternal One; Is revealed to us
     these last days as the Father by His Son.

     God our Father! Christ our Brother! God has planned for us to be Sons
     forever in His Kingdom, His eternal family.

2.   Jesus, Son of God, Messiah, left His awesome heav'nly throne; Lived and
     died as God and man, all human sinners to atone.

     God our Father! Christ our Brother! God has planned for us to be Sons
     forever in His Kingdom, His eternal family.

3.   God, in love and great compassion views us all most tenderly. Shows us
     mercy, gives us power, and from sin He sets us free.

     God our Father! Christ our Brother! God has planned for us to be Sons
     forever in His Kingdom, His eternal family.

4.   With returning of Messiah, Priest with kingly diadem, God begins the final
     steps to reconcile all men to Him.

     God our Father! Christ our Brother! God has planned for us to be Sons
     forever in His Kingdom, His eternal family.

Music: 149_God_Our_Father_Christ_Our_Brother.mp3
Vocal: 149_God_Our_Father_Christ_Our_Brother.mp3