Keep God's Sabbath Holy

1.   God rested on the seventh day and created holy time. A day of hope and
     healing that was made for all of mankind.

     Chorus: :
     So let us keep God's Sabbath holy, a day of worship and release, As a
     shadow of what is to come, God's government of peace.

2.   Our Creator knows His people, those who worship Him through time. For
     He made a Sabbath covenant and He made His Sabbath a sign.

     Chorus: :
     So let us keep God's Sabbath holy, a day of worship and release, As a
     shadow of what is to come, God's government of peace.

3.   Let us celebrate the Sabbath day, what it pictures in God's plan. Man was
     not made for the Sabbath day; but the Sabbath day for man.

     Chorus: :
     So let us keep God's Sabbath holy, a day of worship and release, As a
     shadow of what is to come, God's government of peace.

4.   For the people of our loving God there remains a Sabbath rest. An age of
     restoration, when all nations shall be blessed.

     Chorus: :
     So let us keep God's Sabbath holy, a day of worship and release, As a
     shadow of what is to come, God's government of peace.

Music: 111_Keep_Gods_Sabbath_Holy.mp3
Vocal: 111_Keep_Gods_Sabbath_Holy.mp3