The New Jerusalem

1.   When the judgment years are ended and death is cast away, The first
     heav'n and the first earth in fire shall pass away. From new heaven to new
     earth shall come the new Jerusalem. And the dwelling of the Father at last
     shall be with men.

2.   Like a bride dressed for the bridegroom the city of God shall be. Her walls
     shall shine like jasper, of gold shall be her streets. Her gates are twelve in
     number, an angel at each one, And each of her foundations is set with
     precious stones.

3.   From the Father's throne, a river as clear as crystal flows, And on its banks
     forever the tree of life shall grow. Its leaves shall heal the nations, its fruit
     shall be for food. And there shall be no more curse there, but all shall be for

4.   They shall need no sun by day there, nor moon to shine by night, For the
     glory of their God and the Lamb shall be its light. His saints shall reign
     forev er, from death they shall be free. God will dwell among His people
     for all eternity.

Music: 109_The_New_Jerusalem.mp3
Vocal: 109_The_New_Jerusalem.mp3