Praise Ye the Lord!
Psalm 148
1. Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord! Praise from the heavens and praise
in the heights! Praise Him, ye angels, praise Him, ye hosts, O Praise Him,
ye sun, moon and stars in the heights! Heaven of heavens, waters above,
Praise the Eternal, let all praise His name! When He commanded, they
were created, and By a decree fixed their bounds evermore!
2. Praise ye the Lord! Ye mammals and deeps, too, Fire, hail and windstorms
fulfilling His word! Vapors and snow, all hills, too, and mountains, all
Cedars and fruit trees, let all praise His name! Wild beasts and cattle,
winged birds and reptiles, Earth's kings and judges, all people and chiefs;
Young men and maidens, old men and children, O Praise ye the name of
our God evermore!
3. Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord! Praise from the heavens and praise
in the heights! Praise Him, ye angels, praise Him, ye hosts, for His Glory is
higher than heaven above. God lifted high the horn of His people; He has
exalted the praise of His saints; They are a people near unto God; they're
the Children of Israel, praise ye the Lord!
Music: 087_Praise_Ye_the_Lord.mp3
Vocal: 087_Praise_Ye_the_Lord.mp3