Come See the Works of God
                               Psalm 46

1.   O God, our strength and refuge proves, in all distress a present aid; Though
     the trembling earth remove, we will never be dismayed. Kingdoms moved,
     the nations raged, and the earth melted at His Word; The Lord of hosts for
     us engaged, our refuge high is Jacob's God.

2.   A river flows, whose living streams gladden the city of our God; Tents
     where heavenly glory beams, where the Lord has His abode. God has Zion
     His dwelling made; she shall nevermore be moved; Her God shall early
     give His aid; He her help has ever proved.

3.   Come, see the works of God displayed, wonders of His mighty hand;
     Desolations He has made, ruins spread through all the land. "Be still, know
     I am God Most High; o'er the nations I will reign." The Lord of hosts to us
     is nigh; Jacob's God our help remains.

Music: 028_Come_See_the_Works_of_God.mp3
Vocal: 028_Come_See_the_Works_of_God.mp3