Political Correctness
Hides the Truth
How the West's obsession with political correctness hides some sobering realities....Political
correctness is like the emperor's new clothes. Not wanting to seem "un-wise,"
the vast majority of people go along with it, few ever actually thinking for themselves
and questioning the prevailing "wisdom" of the age.
War on Terrorism Is
Spiritual Warfare
Al Qaeda terrorists labor to define the war on terrorism as the West vs. Islam-a
definition that Western leaders throw off. Yet deeply entrenched religious issues
are at the heart of the current war.
Beware of Prophecies!
Does this strike you as an unusual article title for this
publication? It shouldn't.
Not all prophecies are worth your time and consideration-even some of the most intriguing
ones! The undiscriminating face two dangers: being taken in by misleading information
or failing to hear and heed genuine prophetic messages. Two "prophets"
whose messages are currently being given wide circulation illustrate the problem.
A President Who Prays
...As anxiety grows, there is one piece of information that is encouraging to
those who look to the higher power of God as their guide and stay during this time
of national testing. America has a president who prays, and in that we can all take
a measure of hope.